For every pound of fat gained, you add seven miles of new blood vessels.
Your stomach manufactures a new lining every three days to avoid digesting itself.Your teeth start growing 6 months before you are born.11% Of People Are Left Handed.A sneeze generates a wind of 166 kmhr (100 mihr), and a cough moves out at 100 kmhr (60 mihr).An Average Person Will Spend 25 Years AsleepBabies can only see black and white when they are born.Everyone Has A Unique Tongue Print.Facial hair grows faster than any other hair on the body.Human Thigh Bones Are Stronger Than Concrete.If you laid all of your blood vessels end to end they would stretch 60,000 miles, or around the world nearlyIt Takes 17 Muscles To Smile And 43 To Frown.Laughing Lowers Levels Of Stress And Strengthens Your Immune System.Once A Women Reachs The Age Of 30 They Lose 1% Of Their Bone Mass Every Year Thereafter (By ThePeople Who Work At Night Tend To Weigh More.The Average Human Brain Contains Around 78% Water.The average lifespan of a human hair is 3-7 years.The Average Human Drinks Over 60,566 Litres (16,000 Gallons) Of Water In A Lifetime.The Hardest Substance In The Human Body Is Tooth Enamel.The higher your IQ, the more you supposedly dream.The Human Eye Can Detect More Shades Of Green That Any Other Colour.The Smallest Bones In The Human Body Are Found In Your Ear.Wearing Headphones For Just An Hour Will Increase The Bacteria In Your Ear By 700 Times.When Your Face Blushes So Does Your Stomach Lining.Women Blink Twice As Much As Men .Womens Hearts Beat Faster Than Mens.You Begin To Feel Thirsty When Your Body Losses 1% Of Water.You Can’t Tickle Yourself.Your Blood Is 6 Times Thicker Than Water.Your cornea is the only part of your body without a blood supply. It gets its oxygen directly from the air.Your feet have half a million sweat glands that produce over a pint of fluid everyday.Your Most Active Muscles Are In Your Eye.Your Most Sensitive Finger Is Your Index Finger (Closest To Your Thumb).Your Mouth Produces 1 Litre Of Saliva A Day.Your Right Lung Takes In More Air Than Your Left.